Short Courses

Learn with the specialist centre for foods, tourism, hospitality and events.

Advanced RSA - Late Night Trading Managers & Supervisors (Face to Face) - VIC


8 Hours



Please refer to dates tab.

For group booking inquiries please send your enquiry to short course coordinator team:


Online learning component.

Once the course is booked and paid, you will be e-mailed a logins which will give you access to the online learning component.

Please note: the online component needs to be completed prior to attending the on campus class.

A good understanding of written and spoken English is required to undertake this course: if not, you will require to organise an NATTI interpreter to be present in the class. You will need to advise prior to the course will accur.

What You Learn

The knowledge and skills required to develop appropriate strategies and systems to minimise harm and manage the risks involved in managing late night licensed venues.

The ability to design and modify systems specific to your venue`s unique circumstances.

How to develop and use appropriate and relevant tools and systems to manage compliance inspections, critical incidents, medical and all likely emergency situations and guidance in managing your security contractors.

What You Get

Expert advice from industry professionals and experts in areas of security, emergency management, compliance management and medical first response.

The opportunity to ask questions regarding your venues circumstances from representatives of agencies that understand the nature of high risk licensed venues.

The opportunity to share knowledge and develop strategies and tools with venue operators that share an environment similar to yours.

Materials to Bring


Photo Identification (i.e. driver’s license, passport, etc.)

Confirmation of "Successful Completion of Online Component"

Dress Code

Neat Casual.

Places Remaining
Date Tuesday, 29 Apr 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM
William Angliss Institute, 555 La Trobe Street (Building A), Melbourne VIC 3000.
Places Remaining
Date Tuesday, 24 Jun 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM
William Angliss Institute, 555 La Trobe Street (Building A), Melbourne VIC 3000.
Places Remaining

Developed by William Angliss Institute in partnership with the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission ,  this course is designed for licensees, managers and staff of late night venues who often face a range of challenges and behaviours.

This course will cover topics to help you deal with the risk management and compliance issues you face as a night manager. Subject matter experts from Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, Liquor Control Victoria (LCV) and Security experts will answer frequently asked questions.

Topics include:

  • Managing anti-social behaviour.
  • Managing medical events, including overdoses.
  • Managing a security team.
  • Managing emergencies or criminal acts effective tools and systems for your venue preparing for compliance inspections

Structure of course:

Course commences with an online learning component relating to the legislation and intent of Victorian liquor laws. Once the course is booked and paid, you will be emailed a username and password which will give you access to the online learning component. Please note that the online component needs to be completed prior to attending the face to face training. Face to face training course (1 day), including workshops and activities and Q&A sessions with industry experts and authorities. Submission of assessment portfolio. Tools developed in training are to be implemented in your venues.

If you have any further queries, please call short course on 03 9606 2202 or email



“I found the course to be of great value to further my skills as a Venue Manager.  The biggest problem with our industry is that there is little to no training offered by industry for bartenders that have been promoted to a managerial role, most of the time they are thrown into the position after a superior leaves, often in a sink or swim environment.  These people may have never had to liaise with VicPol, Licensing, Council or other authorities and it can be a very daunting task and being able meet with them and ask questions was a very beneficial thing. I got the most out of talking with the Fire Brigade on Essential Services and the rules and guidelines that need to be adhered to.

Being able to meet and share experiences with other managers from different types of venues was another great part of the course, being able to listen to how others have handled situations and problems was a great learning experience for me and I have been able to put some of these into practice in my venue.

I would highly recommend that all managers attend this course.”

Andrew Buntine - Katuk (Pratt Hospitality Group)


“I have several talented young venue managers and I need them to be able to handle a range of social and compliance issues, as well as meet business imperatives. I believe the Advanced RSA course will give them the tools to protect my businesses, but will also build their confidence and enhance their problem-solving skills and their careers.”

Camillo Ippoliti - Revolver, The Toff in Town, Cookie, Boney


“I was involved in the Pilot program for this course and was pleased to be able to discuss the issues involved in managing late night venues. I put ideas forwarded and got great insights and ideas from other managers. We also started to develop some good systems and ideas to use in real practice.”

Grant Gould - Rooftop bar and Cinema, Mesa Verde.


“A course for managers of high risk venues must be current and must be delivered by experts and specialists that share that environment with us. The content is relevant to managers needs and provides opportunity to gain first hand advice guidance in relating learnings to manager’s specific venues.”

Terry O`Malley – Security Manager and educator.